دامِ نامرئی (1357)؛ بازنمودی اُتوپیایی از جامعه ی نظارتی در حکومت پهلوی دوم

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشکده‎ سینما و تئاتر، دانشگاه هنر تهران، تهران، ایران

2 دانشیار گروه سینما، دانشکده سینما و تئاتر، دانشگاه هنر، تهران، ایران.



مفهوم نظارت سراسربینانه در اندیشه‎ی میشل فوکو جایگاه ویژه‎ای داشته و در مطالعات اجتماعی به مثابه یکی از مولفه‎های اساسی برسازنده‎ی جوامع مدرن همواره مورد بررسی بوده است. فوکو معتقد بود قدرت‎های مدرن به منظور برقرار نظم در جامعه از سازوکارهای نظارتی سود می‎جویند. از طرفی این مفهوم اخیرا به حوزه مطالعات سینمایی نیز ورود کرده است و توجه قسمی از نظریه‎پردازان این حوزه را به نحوه بهره‎گیری از این مضمون در آثار سینمایی جلب کرده است. این مقاله می‎کوشد با تمرکز بر فیلم دام نامرئی نحوه‎ی بازنمایی نظارت را در این فیلم مورد مطالعه قرار دهد. دام نامرئی فیلم کمترشناخته‎شده‎ای در میان آثار سینمایی پیش از انقلاب است که به دستور نهاد امنیتی وقت در سال 1357 ساخته می‎شود. فیلم روایت‎گر ماجرای واقعی شناسایی و نظارت یکی از تیمساران ارتش شاه به نام احمد مقربی است که سال‎ها با افسران ک.گ.ب همکاری محرمانه داشته است. پژوهش حاضر این بحث را مطرح می‎سازد که در این اثر، ساواک سعی کرده است خود را همچون نهادی سراسربینانه بازنمایی کند که قادر است به شیوه‎ای مخفیانه همه‎ی شهروندان را در امور روزمره‎شان تحت نظارت قرار دهد. فیلم می‎کوشد بر مبنای الگوی نظارت سراسربینانه، بازنمودی اتوپیایی از جامعه‎ای تحت کنترل به دست دهد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Invisible Trap (1979): a utopian Representation of the surveillance society in the second Pahlavi government

نویسندگان [English]

  • Nastaran Dorgaraei 1
  • alireza sayyad 2
1 Department of Cinema and Theatre, Tehran University of Art, Tehran, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Department of Cinema, Faculty of Cinema and Theatre, University of Art, Tehran, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Panopticon surveillance is a category that was first used by Jeremy Bentham, an English philosopher of the 18th century, in designing a fundamentally new type of prison. Michel Foucault, a French historian and thinker, returns to this concept in the 20th century and explains it as the new surveillance mechanisms of modern societies. Foucault believed that the disciplinary power to be applied should have a permanent, comprehensive and all-encompassing means of care that remains invisible while making everything visible. As a result, the new strategy of this power is based on hierarchical surveillance. In fact, Foucault reads the Panopticon as a generalizable model and a plan for the future that explains power relations in the daily life of people on a very macro level. From his point of view, omniscient supervision in Bentham's plan provides a central metaphor to describe the mechanisms of disciplinary power in modern societies. As a result, he believed that modern societies can be called disciplinary societies.

During recent decades, this concept has transcended the framework of political discourse and entered the field of cinema studies. By reviewing the works of early cinema, the theoreticians of this field have confirmed the inherent links and affinities between surveillance and medium of cinema and have paid attention to thematic and structural ways of using it in films. This article seeks to analyze the way Panopticon surveillance is represented in the film The Invisible Trap, borrowing from the ideas of Michel Foucault. The Invisible Trap is a lesser-known film in Iran's pre-revolutionary cinema, which was made by the order of the SAVAK security organization in 1979. Following the developments of the year of its production and the reluctance of its actors to talk about it, the film was forgotten and joined the list of abandoned films in the history of Iranian cinema. The film narrates the true story of identifying, monitoring and arresting one of the spies of the imperial army of the Pahlavi regime, named Ahmad Moqrabi, who has cooperated with KGB officers for many years. To this end, first, the surveillance mechanisms in Panopticon are examined, and then, in order to explain the concept of the Panopticon surveillance, Foucault's views are borrowed. Then, the concept of surveillance cinema is analyzed from the perspective of important theoreticians of this field, based on which the selected film in Iranian cinema is analyzed in the next section. At the end, a conclusion is drawn about the application of Panopticon surveillance in film The Invisible Trap (1979). The current research, which was carried out with a descriptive-analytical method and using library sources, raises the argument that in this work, SAVAK has tried to represent itself as a Panopticon institution that is able to To secretly monitor and take care of all citizens in their daily affairs. From this point of view, the film takes powerful steps in the aesthetic drawing of Pahlavi's disciplinary character and displays a completely calculated disciplinary maneuver for its audience; Creating a utopian image of the city under domination.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Invisible Trap (1979)
  • Panopticon Surveillance
  • Michel Foucault
  • Disciplinary Power
  • Pahlavi Surveillance Society