مفهوم اگزیستانسیالیستی ملال خلاقانه در نمایشنامۀ آرامسایشگاه، نوشته بهمن فرسی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 کارشناس ارشد ادبیات نمایشی، گروه ادبیات نمایشی، دانشکده هنر، دانشگاه بینالمللی سوره، تهران، ایران.

2 استادیار گروه سینما، دانشکده هنر، دانشگاه دامغان، دامغان، ایران.


در دهۀ پنجاه و سال‌های پیش از انقلاب، برخی نویسندگان دست به خلق آثاری زدند که فضایی معناباخته و متأثر از عاطفۀ ملال در آنها حاکم بود. علت و چرایی این مسأله نیازمند پژوهشی عمیق و متفاوت است اما به نظر می‌رسد نارضایتی‌ از شرایط سیاسی و فرهنگی در میان برخی نویسندگان که امیدی به بهبود وضع موجود نداشتند، در آثارشان با عنصر ملال بازنمایی شده است. بهمن فرسی از جملۀ این نویسندگان است که برخی از آثار او با مؤلفه‌های معناباختگی، واجد عنصر ملال نیز هست. ملال در تعریف اگزیستانسیالیستی خود همواره حاوی عنصری انتقادی است و الزاماً نشان از عدم رضایت از موقعیت مشخص یا کل هستی ندارد. ملال در فلسفۀ اگزیستانسیالیسم، به وضعیتِ بنیادین بشر اشاره دارد که همواره در جستجوی معنای وجودی و هستی شناختی خویش است. از این رو در این پژوهش با تحلیل نمایشنامۀ آرامسایشگاه از بهمن فرسی، ریشه‌های ملال بر اساس تعریف اگزیستانسیالیستی آن تحلیل شده است. چرا که بهمن فرسی در این اثر، به وضعیت مردمانی پرداخته است که از نارضایتی وضع موجود (جهان ماشینی) به جنون گرفتار شده‌اند و ملال زندگی آن‌ها را احاطه کرده است. با بررسی کنش شخصیت­های این نمایشنامه، ملال موجود از نوع خلاقانه ارزیابی می­شود و افراد برای رهایی از وضعیت بی­معنایی که در آن گرفتارند، به دنبال راه حل می­گردند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The existentialist concept of creative boredom in the play Aramsaysehgah written by Bahman Forsi

نویسندگان [English]

  • emami emami 1
  • mitra alavitalab 2
1 Master of Dramatic Literature, Department of Dramatic Literature, Faculty of Art, Soore International University, Tehran, Iran.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Cinema, Faculty of Art, Damghan University, Damghan, Iran.
چکیده [English]

In the years before the revolution of 1979 in Iran, some writers and especially playwrights who were influenced by the feeling of boredom created works that had a senseless atmosphere. It seems that dissatisfaction with the political and cultural conditions of the country at that time prevailed among some writers who had no hope of improving the current situation, and this dissatisfaction was represented in their works with an element of boredom. Boredom, in its existentialist definition, always contains a critical element and there is a sign of dissatisfaction with a specific situation or the whole existence. Boredom in the philosophy of existentialism refers to the fundamental condition of human beings who are always searching for their existential and ontological meaning. This human emotion has a direct relationship with the feeling of emptiness, and at the same time, in the view of existentialism, it is to find meaning from the heart of the same absurdism that Sisyphus reached. By the order of the gods, he had to carry a stone to the top of a hill every day with great pain and suffering. But as soon as he reached the top, the big stone would slide down the slope again and Sisyphus would start again. But Sisyphus was able to give meaning to his life by doing the same repetitive and boring work. What existentialist thinkers also believe is finding meaning from the heart of this Sisyphean life. Bahman Forsi is one of these writers, some of his works with elements of meaninglessness, also contain the element of boredom with critical strains. In this article, the authors try to reach a new understanding of the play by examining the element of boredom in the Aramsayeshgah play and determining the type of boredom that governs this work. The word Aramsayeshgah does not exist in the dictionary and Forsi made it up himself. Maybe it means rest house, but it brings to mind mortuary.  It is a combination of the words ``aram'', 'rest'', ``comfort'' and “sanitary house''. Also, this word implicitly refers to destruction. A place that people seem to seek refuge in for peace and comfort, but this place brings erosion and insecurity for the residents. In this work, Bahman Forsi has discussed the situation of people who are mad because of dissatisfaction with the existing situation (machine world) and boredom surrounds their lives. At the first encounter with this work, a kind of nihilism is revealed, but a closer analysis shows that the atmosphere governing this play, in addition to reflecting the feeling of boredom, also includes hope and the desire for change. The prevailing atmosphere in this work can be a reflection of the world, society and surrounding environment to which the author belongs. Analytical and descriptive analysis of this play shows that in the Aramsayeshgah boredom is a type of creative boredom and the author has reacted to social restrictions and lack of freedom of expression through the reflection of this type of boredom.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • existentialism
  • creative boredom
  • Aramseyeshgah
  • play
  • Bahman Forsi
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