مؤلفه‌های تئاتر بی‌واسطة پیتر بروک در اجرای آثار شکسپیر بر اساس مفهوم اکنونیت در نظریات یان کات (مطالعه موردی اجرای نمایش‌های طوفان و هملت)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 کارشناس ارشد کارگردانی، گروه کارگردانی و بازیگری،دانشکده هنر، دانشکاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران.

2 دانشیار گروه کارگردانی و بازیگری، دانشکده هنر، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس ، تهران، ایران.


پیتر بروک به عنوان کارگردان تئاتر، دایره‌ای از تجربیات وسیع و متنوع و گاه متضاد را داراست که همین تجربیات به معرفی تئاتر بی‌واسطه می‌انجامد. این پژوهش به بررسی آرای یان کات در باب کیفیتِ معاصرِ شکسپیر می‌پردازد که تأثیر به‌سزایی در تغییر نگاه کارگردانانی مانند بروک به شکسپیر در قرن بیستم داشت، نگاهی که معاصرسازی و یافتن اکنونیت معاصر در این آثار را گوشزد می‌کند. سپس به بررسی و تحلیل عناصر تئاتر بی‌واسطه و شیوه‌های بروک با توجه به اجراهایش از آثار شکسپیر پرداخته می‌شود. در این مقاله که به روش توصیفی - تحلیلی و شیوة گردآوری اطلاعات اسنادی با مطالعات کتابخانه‌ای تدوین شده است، دو نمایش طوفان و تراژدی هملت، که هر دو در دورة تئاتر بی‌واسطه به صحنه رفته‌اند، به عنوانِ مطالعة موردی بررسی می‌شوند. فرضیة اصلی در این پژوهش آن است که پیتر بروک در کارگردانانیِ آثار شکسپیر تحت تأثیرِ دیدگاهِ یان کات پیرامونِ اکنونیت قرار داشته است. در نتیجة مقاله تأکید می‌شود که تمهیدات و شیوه‌های بروک در اجرایِ نمایش‌های طوفان و هملت، نشان می‌دهد که چگونه می‌توان فاصلة تاریخی ایجاد شده میان مخاطب و متن کلاسیک را از میان برداشت.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The Components of Peter Brooke's Immediate Theater in the Performance of Shakespeare: Regarding the Element of Present in the Ideas of Jan Katt works (Case Study The Tempest and The Tragedy of Hamlet)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Amirhossein fateh Daryani 1
  • Mehdi Hamed Saghian 2
1 Master of Theatre Directing, Department of Directing and Acting, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran.
2 Associate Professor, Department of Directing and Acting, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modarres University Tehran, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Peter Brook, as a theater director, has a circle of wide and varied and sometimes conflicting experiences, which categorized by himself as Deadly, Holy and Rough theater. These experiences, directly lead to the introduction of his final and most profound way The Immediate theater. This research examines the ideas of Jan Katt about Shakespeare's contemporaneity, which had a significant impact on changing the way directors like Brook looked at Shakespeare in the 20th century. A look that points out the contemporary elements of these plays and tries to find the contemporary presence in these works. What Katt refers to as presence is the correspondence between the present or now of dramatic play with present or now of audience or reader in any given time or place and what intertwines between the two. And how Katt’s ideas shed a new light on classic plays and ways to read them and how it suggests new forms and meaning for performative aspects of these plays. Then, it examines and analyzes the elements of Immediate theater of Brook and qualities that he seeks in a theater production, namely clarity and invisible or underling network of relations, and Brook's methods in his performances of Shakespeare's works. The present research has been done with the descriptive-analytical research method and the library-documentary research tool method. Performances of The Tempest and The Tragedy of Hamlet, both produced during the immediate theater period, are examined, and Brook's methods and adaptations according to Jan Katt ideas are discussed. In The Tempest Brook used play and game, in the literal sense of the word, so the magic of Shakespeare world finds meaning for modern audience, furthermore he uses international members of his group of actors as a way to make an international understanding of the play and its aesthetics. In The Tragedy of Hamlet, Brook demonstrates the height of his ideas about Immediate theater and tries to create a universal yet faithful performance of Hamlet for contemporary audience. He uses his international cast of actors in a different way than The Tempest. He no longer uses their native theatrical form rather he uses their different race and nationality as a way to make Hamlet an international contemporary play rather than a historical one. Brook’s readings on both of these plays correspond with Katt's reading of them, on different levels and aspects. Finally, important issues of this research are the explanation of the differences between contemporary and traditional attitudes towards Shakespeare's works in the shadow of the presence element of Katt’s ideas and examination of the elements of immediate theater, by explaining their relationship with the presence of Katt and their comparison with the traditional ways of performing Shakespeare. Brooke's arrangements and methods in The Tempest and Tragedy of Hamlet show how the removal of historical distance creates a new experience between the audience and classical text. Immediate Theatre qualities remove or reduce the historical elements and values of the play in favor of direct connection to the audience. These qualities create what Katt referred to as presence.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Hamlet
  • Immediate Theater
  • Jan Katt
  • Peter Brook
  • The Tempest
  • William Shakespeare
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