Analyzing the dimensions of the types of death in Coco's animation characters according to Heidegger's views

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A of Art Studies. Faculty of Art, Semnan University.

2 Associate Professor Faculty of Art, Department of Art Studies, Semnan University



The problem of the upcoming research is how to analyze the dimensions of the animated characters of Coco directed by Lee Unkrich, with Miguel as the centeral character, according to Martin Heidegger's discussion and concepts about the types of death. The research questions are as follows: The viewpoint of this animation towards death is more consistent with which one of the types of death and fear of it in Heidegger's Being and Time? What components does this animation add to the dimensions of Heidegger's death? What topics about death and what aspects of the characters do they reveal in this animation? To answer these questions in the research, we rely on library sources and analytical-applied method. We want to find the form and content of types of death in Coco's animation in Conformity with Heidegger's opinions. The goals of the upcoming article have not been observed in any of the documents.

The results of the study of Heidegger's types of physical death and existential death in Coco's animation indicate that most of the characters entered the world of the dead due to physical death. The characters (Hector, Delacruz, and Imelda) entered the world of the dead mostly due to physical death (demise). In the world of the living, apart from Miguel who temporarily faces existential anxiety and existential death, we do not face deep existential death. Therefore, physical death is considered more in this animation.It seems that in the celebration of the dead, the Mexicans show that death should not be feared and the death of awareness is the recommended way. Not being afraid of physical death and welcoming it is a kind of conscious death, despite the fact that they know that they are going to die, they do not sacrifice their lives for this event, but they hold a celebration of the dead every year so that no one has any fear of eternal forgetting and knows the value of time and time. Although Heidegger did not discuss the fate of Dasein in the world after death in existence and time, and only talked about the ways of living death in this world and the types of fear,but in this animation, by showing the world of the dead, its quality and ways to deal with Deep physical death, by resorting to pictures and remembering it every year and holding a celebration, shows the world of the dead and the communication bridges of the living with them, as well as the ways to fight against the real death of humans. It shows the dead living in the world of the dead after physical death. Finally, through some characters, In this animation, by showing the world of life of the dead, its quality and the ways to deal with the decision, by resorting to photographs and remembering every year and holding a celebration, the world of the dead and the bridges of communication between the living and them have been well established. Death consciousness is the recommended way of animists to overcome the fear of certain death.


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