Analysis of the Process of Adaptation in Dariush Mehrjui’s Cinematic Works Case study: Pari and Sara movies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 research of art. Shiraz university

2 assistant prof of the dept of art (supervisor)

3 assistant prof of the dept of art


Artistic adaptation can be studied by careful examination of the narrative elements of a story and technical study of an artwork. Famous and popular literary works are always a basis for creation of cinematic works. Due to the inherent tendency of film and literature to represent and narrate, these two have been inextricably linked since the early days of cinema. Where we want to talk about unity and similarities between the visual and written systems and if one can go further and talk about the unity of all arts, narration comes to mind. Narrative, as the greatest outcome of structuralism, is one of the most important disciplines of modern literary theory. Many structuralists have tried to provide basic instructions from various narratives in order to formulate narratives structurally. Greimas started his work on the basis of linguistic-structuralist discoveries of Ferdinand de Saussure and Roman Jakobsen, and sought to describe the constituent elements of the narratives as a refashioning approach to the study of literary works. Narrative theories are a methodological criterion for analyzing narrative. In Greimas's theory of narratology, the depth of narrative construction is analyzed.
In his opinion elements that are deep construct meaning. In new literary and artistic criticism topics, narratives are not limited to the field of literature and tracking narrative elements are also efficient in other art fields such as filmmaking. The present study was conducted to study the process of adaptation in Pari based on Greimas's narratological model. The study of the process of localization, as well as the study of cinematic techniques used in the process of cinematic adaptation of the fairy tale film, were among the issues that the researcher sought to investigate in the study of the adaptation process.
The research is descriptive-analytical. It has been done in a library method with a string discourse approach (adaptation) and studies of cinematic elements in the Pari, using the Bordwell film structural analysis model.
The result indicates that both source and adaptive works can be adapted to the Greimas narrative pattern and that the episodes obtained from the study of the narrative model of the story can be considered as an axis in cinematic technical studies. Dariush Mehrjoui as an adaptation filmmaker also uses technical elements in accordance with the situation and on the relation to Iranian culture.
The technical study was based on the study of the structure of Pari film, each episode was examined from several axes, including mezzanine, which itself consists of four areas (scene, face painting and clothing selection, lighting and camera movement); In addition, sound and written signs also were studied and the results are shown in tables along with other efficient criteria that can be found in regards to technical study of cinematic elements. The Bordwell model was chosen for its brevity and efficiency. However, a more detailed study of all parts of the same pattern or other parallel patterns and especially the study of the editing process that was left out in the present study is recommended.


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