Environmental Design and Space Design Management in Animation, Educational &Analytical Approach



In order to be attracted, each work of must encounter viewer in its environment. At first it is virtual and is the result of sensitive subjectivity of the artist, and then it will be changed to objectivity and forms a piece of artwork. The artist of filmmaker is changing the virtual environment of the film; the virtual situation which is made in the mind of the scriptwriter and himself; and uses images in, shots, scenes and sequences. However, before to set the images, shots, scenes and sequences, he must create the real environment of the narrative movie by pre-visualization like design and storyboard. Creation of environment is the first step in concretion of the imaginations of the filmmaker. There are different ways to create an environment for live action movie, like determining a location, to design decors whether natural or artificial or digital or combination of them. This variety is countless in animation movie .The variety in styles and techniques help the variety in the structure of creation an environment in an animated work. So we can use different techniques of design in producing each style of animation. Space designing, in place dimension relates to location and scene, and in time dimension relates to editing and other factors such as mise-en-scene and sound. Making space in animation cinema like any other cinematic works emanates from story plot; at first the work exists in creator's mind potentially and then it appears in form of words and sentences in screenplay. The director or creator of an animation movie, in his first step, tries to visualize the space which has been created in his mind. For such a director there are many possibilities for creating different spaces than a live action movie director. Surreal and virtual world of animation which makes everything artificially opens the way for creativity in emplacements of space. In live action movie, Instance, there are limitations even in camera place for taking different shots and point of views. But in animation these limitations are far less than they. The ways of formation and projection of an idea are varied in animation formats. Different visual techniques in animation are among their possibility that helps to create space. The director makes his firs decision for objectivity to the subjective impressions of space by identification techniques. While we say, for instance, that we can make an idea, a plot, or screenplay in puppet animation format, in fact, we have decided about its appearance. Film spaces that must have been made by this technique are objective and depicted, by sets and puppets. In another movie, for instance in paper animation, spaces must have been painted in two dimension in form of consecutive frames. Hence, we can say that after identification technique, style and creator's view in implementation and way of making film, space and task force is determined. In real and animation cinema creating space and visual space is production designer's task which is done with main director consulting and art director supervising.


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