Stylized reality in contemporary realistic theatre



Research about reality, leads us to this belief that everything in the world are located in reality, because they all pas through the human mind and imagination, which are inevitably real. But in order to do away with the complicated concepts of the endless reality, we may limit it to the fundamental concept of "reflection of reality in art, and its relation with the absolute reality". While the realism artist -in a broad sense- believes in the fact that human being is an independent reality, insists on reflecting that part of reality whose existence in the material world is tangible and understandable. But, the reflection of reality on the stage, has led to different and even paradoxical views concerning Realism Theater. Some define Realism Theater as skilled and consecutive portrayal of everyday "proven" social life. They intend to make use of natural methods to reach the reality. These realists go forward with so much arrogance in showing all the details of reality, that are sometimes categorized as excessive naturalists too. But, some others define it as a theater which does not explore theatre, but create it, and after putting it through refining filters, without any prejudice bestows on it purpose then without any commitment to everyday life performs it. As a matter of fact, these realists consider the creation of illusion of reality as a principle, and in order to reach this objective, they authorize themselves to make use of unreal methods as well. Realism Theater is not real. Reality is put through a theatrical process then re-preformed on the stage. This re-performance distorts the reality portrayed and transforms it to a stylized reality. Thus stylization for the theatrical stylists is not a goal but a means. A dialectic which tries to show the hidden truth in everyday human social life as a distortion of reality based upon cause and effect. The important feature of the stylized realistic theatre lies in its ability to picture the different aspects and dimensions of reality, both with respect to form, and structure. When the actor is able to move between different identities, some new and even contradictory manifestations of reality emerge, those manifestations which can not be achieved through the description of daily realities. Of course in stylized realistic theatre, meaning is not the center of attraction. This theatre authorizes itself to be moving among all theatrical theories and styles. In fact, the contemporary realistic theatre is a mixture of different theatrical styles, because life is actually a mixture of differences. In this mixture, there are lots to be found of Epic theatre, Absurdist theatre and naturalistic theater. This research first tries to reach a definition of reality in the fabric of Realism Theater and them by the way of comparison, analyze the reality of truth and the reality of art or stylized reality. After reaching a definition of sterilized reality the quality and quantity of realities place in contemporary realism theater will be studied and the role of sterilization in the process of theatrical and content alterations of traditional to neo realism will be analyzed in a comparative table.


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